Richland Hockey Senior Photos | Bring your Sports Jersey to your Senior Pictures!

Capturing Ryan's Senior Year

My 2024 senior picture season introduced me to Ryan, a standout senior at Hanford High School. He is a gifted Tri-Cities Jr Americans Amateur Hockey Association hockey player and a dedicated athlete with accomplishments beyond the rink. Our session was a harmonious blend of Ryan's athletic prowess and his journey.

We got photos of him wearing his hockey jersey with a hockey stick. Keen to incorporate the beauty of our locale, we chose a scenic spot along the banks of the Columbia River, which allowed us to juxtapose his athletic intensity with the tranquility of nature.

Crafting Your Story: Personalized Sessions that Echo Your High School Journey

My goal is to uniquely tailor each senior session to reflect the personality and spirit of each Senior! Your senior photos aren't just snapshots; they're chapters in the storybook of your final high school year. I am privileged to celebrate and document your senior year with you; I always aim to ensure the pictures resonate with your true self.

I urge seniors to bring mementos and props that encapsulate their high school journey. Whether it's trophies from championships, badges of honor like medals, or even a cherished team jersey, these artifacts are a vivid reminder of the passions that defined their high school experience.


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