Gilded Female Gerudo Link Photos | Natural Light Cosplay Photography

Capturing Passion & Craftsmanship

This cosplay session with Sarah of Echoed Designs is an exciting and unique project. I was overjoyed when she reached out about working together for a Gerudo Link Cosplay Session. It was the first time I got to combine two interests of mine—photography and video games—and I was so grateful for the opportunity. Sarah modeled and designed the cosplay, down to 3D printing the Master Sword she modeled during the session. She is self-taught and crazy talented. When we drove between locations, Sarah explained how she taught herself how to sew and recently started 3D printing props for her cosplay.

I have an admiration and reverence for passionate artists like Sarah! They are the perfect example of those who accomplish a goal through sheer will and determination. During this session, I wanted to ensure we captured her art to its fullest potential because I knew how much work she put into her designs. Check out the details on her cosplay; everything is so well done, all the way down to her shoes.

Desert Vibes in the Tri-Cities: Dual Locations for an Authentic Gerudo Valley Photoshoot

We shot the session at two locations in the Tri-Cities. The first was a dune location. We hoped it would capture the Gerudo Valley feel of being in a desert. The second location was a nature trail by the River. This location has more desert foliage and trees but continues the desert feel.

To see more of Sarah's work, you can see her instagram here, her behind-the-scenes work can be viewed here, and her tik tok here. If you are in Washington State and want to document your cosplay or another creative project, I would love to work with you! Reach out to me, and I would love to connect!


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